A great website is, without a doubt, the best marketing method available today. They are economical, up to date, and can be viewed by an unlimited number of people world-wide. Information on each horse can be easily found on a website in that horse's section or page, unlike a Facebook page (which is also a great tool, but as an adjunct to a website to use as a reference point). The best websites have a clean design, are easy to navigate, load quickly and present the horses in their very best light. Conversely, a bad website can actually UN sell your product.

WHAT IT COSTS: Websites are priced at $700 for design of up to 6 pages. Most farms do not need more pages than this (typically the home page, stallions, mares, geldings, for sale and links) but if you would like more, they are priced at $100 per additional page. If you have more than 12 horses total that need to be on the site, there is a $10 per additional horse extra charge to help offset the extra time spent editing photos and inputting data.

$400 is due as a down payment when I begin work, and the balance of $300 is due when your site is completed, which usually takes about two weeks, depending on the size of the site, how quickly I receive your material, and my existing workload. This price includes the complete site design, featuring unique, beautiful custom graphics, created especially for your farm's site. Nothing is clip art or template! I choose from your submitted photos only the best/most flattering shots, and photos are edited to include cropping, resizing, and removal of distracting background objects.

Updates to your completed site are priced at $250/year (limited to two hours of updates per month; $25/hour thereafter).

SETTING UP THE SITE: I prefer that each client set up their domain name and website server space themselves, so that it can be billed directly to their account and the domain name automatically renewed when that is due. I will help walk you through the process (it really is not all that hard). Or, you may already have a domain name and server space set up, and in that case I can just take over the design and maintenance of your existing website.

Website design is one artistic "medium" I find most enjoyable. I hope to create something beautiful for you soon!

Websites designed by Laura Hornick Behning
(click on any link to visit)



  © Copyright 1995-2018
  Website Design by All Night Studio
No part of this website may be reproduced without permission.